This is why you should travel to Manaus, Brazil, in May


Welcome to The Journey Seeker! Find out all about Travel in May Manaus, Brazil!

Are you tired of the cold, dreary winter weather? Are you in need of some fun and sunshine in your life? Look no further, because Manaus, Brazil is the perfect destination for you!

Atmosphere/Vibes in Manaus, Brazil

Brown and White Building
Manaus is a vibrant and lively city, full of energy and excitement. The locals are friendly and welcoming, always ready to share their love of their city with visitors. The city itself is a melting pot of cultures, with a rich history and a vibrant arts scene.

Weather in May/June

Top View Photo of Person Surfing
Photo by Lucas Meneses
May and June are the perfect times to visit Manaus, as the weather is warm and sunny, with temperatures averaging around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is also quite high during this time, so make sure to pack your sunscreen and stay hydrated!

Why Manaus, Brazil is the Best Place to Be

Monochrome Photo Of Man Releasing Smoke
Photo by Dapo Abideen
There are so many reasons why Manaus, Brazil is the best place to be in May. The weather is perfect for spending time outdoors, the locals are friendly and welcoming, and there is always something exciting happening in the city.

5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Manaus, Brazil in May

 Rooftops of Buildings in Ouro Preto in Brazil
Photo by Lucia Barreiros Silva
  • The weather is warm and sunny
  • The locals are friendly and welcoming
  • There is always something exciting happening in the city
  • Manaus has a rich history and vibrant arts scene
  • There are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy

Cost of Travel

Church of Saint Francis of Paola, Ouro Preto, Brazil
Photo by Lucia Barreiros Silva
The cost of travel to Manaus, Brazil can vary depending on where you are coming from and how you choose to travel. Round-trip flights from the United States can cost anywhere from $600 to $1,200, depending on your departure city and the time of year you are traveling. Once you are in Manaus, the cost of living is relatively low, with affordable accommodation and food options available.

Top 8 Things to Do in Manaus, Brazil

Gray Concrete Bridge over River
Photo by Wallace Silva
  1. Visit the Amazon Rainforest and see the diverse plant and animal life
  2. Take a boat tour of the Amazon River
  3. Explore the historic center of Manaus and visit the Teatro Amazonas opera house
  4. Try delicious local cuisine, such as tacacá and tucupi
  5. Visit the Mercado Adolpho Lisboa, a bustling market full of souvenirs and local goods
  6. Relax on the sandy beaches of the Rio Negro
  7. Take a trip to the Meeting of the Waters, where the Rio Negro and the Solimões River meet but do not mix
  8. Go on a jungle trek and spot exotic wildlife


Person Soaking On Body Of Water
Photo by Victor Freitas
In conclusion, Manaus, Brazil is the perfect destination for anyone looking for some fun and sunshine in May. With its warm weather, friendly locals, and endless things to do, there is no better place to be. So pack your bags and get ready for the trip of a lifetime in beautiful Manaus!

Have you maybe thought about staying in Manaus for a little longer and working remotely? Here is another blog post about becoming a Digital Nomad in Manaus

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