Digital Nomad in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: The full guide


Welcome to The Journey Seeker! Find out all about Digital nomad in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso!

Welcome to the most absurd and hilarious blog post about digital nomading in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso! But seriously, have you ever heard of a place called Ouagadougou? It’s not exactly on the top of everyone’s list of travel destinations, but trust us – it’s worth a visit.

Atmosphere / Vibes

Man in Black and Orange Jacket Riding Bicycle
Photo by Emrah Yazıcıoğlu
Ouagadougou, or “Ouaga” as the cool kids call it, has a vibrant and lively atmosphere. The locals are friendly and welcoming, and the city has a certain energy that’s hard to describe. It’s like a mix of chaos and calm, all rolled into one.

Weather throughout the year

A photo of Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Photo by Wyatt Rossi
One thing to note about Ouagadougou is that it can get quite hot. Like, melt-your-face-off hot. During the dry season (November to May), temperatures can easily reach into the 40s Celsius (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit). But don’t let that scare you off – the wet season (June to October) is much more comfortable, with temperatures hovering in the mid-30s Celsius (mid-90s Fahrenheit).

Cost of Living

White Porsche 911 Parked on Parking Lot in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Photo by Trac Vu
One of the best things about Ouagadougou is that it’s super cheap to live here. You can get a decent meal for just a few dollars, and housing is also very affordable. If you’re looking to stretch your budget as far as possible, Ouagadougou is definitely the place to be.

8 reasons why this is the best place for Digital Nomads

color in motion: colorful sail boat
Photo by Arndt-Peter Bergfeld
  1. Fast internet speeds: You won’t have to worry about slow connections or spotty coverage when you’re working in Ouagadougou. The internet here is fast and reliable.
  2. Plenty of co-working spaces: If you need a change of scenery from your apartment, there are plenty of co-working spaces in the city to choose from.
  3. Friendly locals: As mentioned before, the locals in Ouagadougou are incredibly friendly and welcoming. They’re always happy to help out a foreigner in need.
  4. Affordable cost of living: As mentioned earlier, the cost of living in Ouagadougou is incredibly cheap, which is great news for digital nomads on a budget.
  5. Beautiful natural surroundings: Ouagadougou is surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills, making it the perfect place for nature lovers.
  6. Rich cultural history: The city has a rich cultural history, with a mix of traditional African and French influences. There’s always something new to learn and discover.
  7. Close proximity to other West African countries: Ouagadougou is centrally located in West Africa, making it the perfect jumping off point for exploring other countries in the region.
  8. Great food: The food in Ouagadougou is absolutely delicious, with a mix of traditional African and French cuisine. Don’t leave without trying some of the local dishes!

Top 8 Things to do

Man in Black Motorcycle Helmet Riding on Black Sports Bike on Road in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Photo by Jakub Sisulak
  1. Visit the National Museum of Burkina Faso: This museum is a must-see for anyone interested in the history and culture of Burkina Faso. It’s a great way to learn more about the country and its rich heritage.
  2. Take a stroll through the Grand Marché: The Grand Marché is the largest market in Ouagadougou, and it’s a great place to shop for souvenirs, clothing, and local goods. You’ll find everything from traditional African fabrics to handmade jewelry here.
  3. Go on a nature walk in the Nazinga Game Reserve: The Nazinga Game Reserve is a short drive from Ouagadougou, and it’s the perfect place for nature lovers. You’ll have the chance to see a variety of wildlife, including elephants, antelopes, and monkeys.
  4. Try some traditional Burkina Faso cuisine: As mentioned before, the food in Ouagadougou is amazing. Be sure to try some of the local dishes, such as tô (a thick cornmeal porridge) and fufu (a doughy ball made from mashed plantains).
  5. Explore the Kaboré Tambi Museum: This museum is dedicated to the history and culture of the Mossi people, who make up the largest ethnic group in Burkina Faso. It’s a great way to learn more about the country’s past.
  6. Relax at the Lagune de Tengrela: The Lagune de Tengrela is a beautiful lake located just outside of Ouagadougou. It’s the perfect place to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  7. Visit the Monument de la Revolution: This monument is a symbol of Burkina Faso’s history and independence. It’s a great place to learn more about the country’s past and its struggles for freedom.
  8. Go on a safari in the Arly National Park: The Arly National Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and leopards. It’s a great place to go on a safari and see some of Africa’s most amazing animals up close.


Man in Black Jacket Riding on Black Bicycle on Road
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
In conclusion, Ouagadougou is an amazing place for digital nomads. It has fast internet speeds, plenty of co-working spaces, friendly locals, an affordable cost of living, beautiful natural surroundings, a rich cultural history, and close proximity to other West African countries. Plus, the food is absolutely delicious! So if you’re looking for a unique and exciting destination to work and travel, look no further than Ouagadougou. You won’t be disappointed.

Wanna find out more about Ouagadougou than just digital nomads? Here is another blog post about the top 14 things to do in Ouagadougou

Did you like this post? Have a look at our other blog posts about living in Burkina Faso, such as Banfora, Bobo-Dioulasso or Koudougou.