Digital Nomad in Egilsstadir, Iceland: The full guide


Welcome to The Journey Seeker! Find out all about Digital nomad in Egilsstadir, Iceland!

Have you ever wanted to ditch your 9-5 desk job and become a digital nomad, but just couldn’t decide on the perfect location? Well, let me introduce you to Egilsstadir, Iceland – the land of fire and ice cream (yes, you read that right).

Atmosphere / Vibes:

Woman in Blue Denim Jacket and Blue Denim Jeans Sitting on Rock Near Body of Water in Egilsstadir, Iceland.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Egilsstadir is a small town nestled in the beautiful East Fjords of Iceland. It’s the kind of place where you can walk down the main street and literally know everyone’s name (or at least their pet’s name, because let’s be real, the animals here are treated like royalty).

The vibe in Egilsstadir is laid-back and friendly. People here are always happy to chat and share a cup of coffee (or a shot of Brennivín, the infamous Icelandic schnapps). It’s the kind of place where you can leave your door unlocked and not have to worry about anything going missing (except maybe your heart, because the views here will steal it).

Weather throughout the year:

Free stock photo of adult, adventure, apocalypse in Egilsstadir, Iceland.
Photo by Eriks Cistovs

Contrary to popular belief, Iceland is not always covered in a blanket of snow and ice. In fact, Egilsstadir experiences all four seasons – just not always in the way you might expect. In the summer, the days are long and the nights are short, with temperatures reaching up to 20°C (68°F). In the winter, the days are short and the nights are long, with temperatures hovering around 0°C (32°F).

But no matter the season, you can always expect some wind and rain. Don’t let that deter you though! Just pack a raincoat and some sturdy boots and you’ll be good to go.

8 reasons why this is the best place for Digital Nomads:

Photo Of Mountain Under Cloudy Sky
Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev
  1. Fast and reliable internet connection
  2. Affordable cost of living
  3. Gorgeous natural surroundings
  4. Plenty of co-working and co-living spaces
  5. A tight-knit community of fellow digital nomads
  6. Easy access to outdoor adventures
  7. Delicious and fresh local food
  8. Close proximity to major cities (Reykjavik is just a short flight away!)

Top 8 Things to do:

Iceland Beach in Egilsstadir, Iceland.
Photo by Guy
  1. Go hiking in the nearby mountains
  2. Take a dip in the warm geothermal pools
  3. Go whale watching in the fjords
  4. Visit the stunning waterfalls in the area
  5. Try your hand at ice climbing on a nearby glacier
  6. Explore the charming town of Egilsstadir
  7. Take a day trip to the nearby Vatnajökull National Park
  8. Try some of the local seafood (especially the fresh fish!)


Person Standing on Wrecked Plane in Egilsstadir, Iceland.
Photo by Stefan Stefancik

In conclusion, Egilsstadir, Iceland is the ultimate destination for digital nomads. With its fast internet, affordable cost of living, stunning natural surroundings, and endless outdoor adventures, it’s hard to find a better place to work and play. Plus, the tight-knit community of fellow nomads and delicious local food make it a truly special place to call home (at least for a little while). So why wait? Pack your bags, bring your laptop, and come see for yourself why Egilsstadir is the best place for digital nomads.

Wanna find out more about Egilsstadir than just digital nomads? Here is another blog post about the top 14 things to do in Egilsstadir

Did you like this post? Have a look at our other blog posts about living in Iceland, such as Vik, Akureyri or Reykjavik.