Digital Nomad in Canelones, Uruguay: The full guide


Welcome to The Journey Seeker! Find out all about Digital nomad in Canelones, Uruguay!

Why go digital nomading in Canelones, Uruguay? Well, for starters, have you heard about the annual “Fiesta de la Mermelada” (Jam Festival)? It’s a celebration where locals and tourists alike gather to dance and eat toast slathered in every flavor of jam imaginable. Trust us, it’s a real hootenanny.

Atmosphere / Vibes:

Aerial View of Cabo Santa Maria Lighthouse in La Paloma, Rocah, Uruguay
 in Canelones, Uruguay.
Photo by Pedro Slinger
Nestled between Montevideo and Punta del Este, Canelones exudes a laid-back, small-town charm. It’s the perfect place to unplug and unwind after a long day of hustling as a digital nomad. Plus, with its rich cultural history and friendly locals, you’ll feel right at home.

Weather throughout the year:

The Edificio London Paris Building in Uruguay   in Canelones, Uruguay.
Photo by Agustina Castro
One of the best things about Canelones is its mild, temperate climate. You can expect highs in the mid-70s (°F) and lows in the mid-50s throughout the year, with occasional rainfall to keep things fresh. Pack your sunscreen, because you’ll be basking in the warm Uruguayan sun for most of the year.

Cost of Living:

Montevideo Landmark Near the Beach
Photo by Fabricio Rivera
As a digital nomad, cost of living is always a concern. Luckily, Canelones won’t break the bank. With affordable housing, cheap eats, and low cost of living overall, you’ll be able to stretch your budget further and focus on growing your business.

8 reasons why this is the best place for Digital Nomads:

Ocean View During Sunset
Photo by Pedro Slinger
  1. Fast, reliable internet connection
  2. Friendly, English-speaking locals
  3. Abundant co-working spaces
  4. Close proximity to major cities
  5. Low cost of living
  6. Mild, temperate climate
  7. Rich cultural history
  8. Plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy

Top 8 Things to do:

Drone Shot of Dock in the Ocean
Photo by Pedro Slinger
  1. Visit the charming town square and check out the local artisan markets
  2. Take a day trip to Montevideo, the capital city
  3. Hike the beautiful trails at Parque Nacional del Este
  4. Relax on the sandy beaches of Punta del Este
  5. Savor the delicious local cuisine at one of the many family-owned restaurants
  6. Try your hand at wine tasting at one of the many local vineyards
  7. Take a salsa dancing lesson (or two!)
  8. Join in the annual “Fiesta de la Mermelada” (Jam Festival)


Sculpture by the Sea Under Cloudy Sky
Photo by Hector Perez
In short, Canelones, Uruguay is the perfect place for digital nomads looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life while still maintaining a fast internet connection and access to amenities. With its charming atmosphere, mild climate, and rich cultural history, Canelones is a hidden gem that should definitely be on your radar. So, why wait? Pack your bags and start your digital nomad journey in Canelones!

Wanna find out more about Canelones than just digital nomads? Here is another blog post about the top 14 things to do in Canelones

Did you like this post? Have a look at our other blog posts about living in Uruguay, such as San José De Mayo, Piriápolis or Florida.