The 14 BEST things to do in Paro, Bhutan


Welcome to The Journey Seeker! Find out all about best things to do in Paro, Bhutan!

Welcome to the beautiful and mystical land of Paro, Bhutan! Nestled in the Himalayan mountains, this little slice of heaven has so much to offer for travelers of all types. From breathtaking natural beauty to rich cultural traditions, Paro has it all.

Atmosphere / Vibes

Paro Taktsang in Bhutan
Photo by Ming Zimik
The atmosphere in Paro is simply indescribable. The people are friendly and welcoming, the air is fresh and clean, and the landscape is nothing short of stunning. It’s the kind of place where you can really let go and unwind, and just be present in the moment.

Weather throughout the year

Gold Statue in Close Up Shot in Paro, Bhutan.
Photo by Pema Gyamtsho
One of the best things about Paro is that the weather is fairly consistent throughout the year. It’s generally mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from the low 60s to the mid 70s Fahrenheit. There are some variations in the rainy season, but even then the rain tends to be light and refreshing.

Why Paro, Bhutan is the best place to be

Passenger Plane on Tarmac
Photo by Yanni Shams
There are so many reasons why Paro is the best place to be, it’s hard to know where to start! For starters, Bhutan is a country that has made a conscious decision to prioritize happiness and well-being over GDP, and it shows in the way people live their lives. It’s a place where people take the time to enjoy the simple things in life, and where the sense of community is strong. In addition to the amazing people, Bhutan is home to some of the most breathtaking natural beauty in the world. From snow-capped mountain peaks to verdant valleys, Bhutan has it all. And let’s not forget the rich cultural traditions, including colorful festivals and ancient monasteries.

Cost of Travel

Person in Black Jacket Walking on Wooden Bridge
Photo by Setu Chhaya
Bhutan has a unique policy when it comes to tourism, which is that all tourists must pay a minimum daily fee. This fee includes your accommodation, meals, transportation, and a licensed Bhutanese tour guide. The fee starts at $250 per day, which may sound steep at first glance, but when you consider everything that is included, it’s actually quite reasonable.

Top 14 best things to do in Paro, Bhutan

Person Wearing Traditional Mask Dancing
Photo by Lam Penjor
  1. Visit the iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery
  2. Go trekking in the Himalayan mountains
  3. Explore the ancient ruins of Drukgyel Dzong
  4. Relax in a traditional Bhutanese hot spring
  5. Try your hand at archery, Bhutan’s national sport
  6. Visit a local farm and learn about Bhutanese agriculture
  7. Take a cooking class and learn to make traditional Bhutanese dishes
  8. Go rafting on the Paro Chhu river
  9. Attend a traditional Bhutanese festival, such as the Paro Tsechu
  10. Go birdwatching and spot some of Bhutan’s rare and endangered species
  11. Take a guided tour of Paro Dzong, the ancient fortress
  12. Experience Bhutan’s thriving arts and crafts scene
  13. Visit the National Museum of Bhutan and learn about the country’s history and culture
  14. Take a scenic drive through the winding mountain roads and enjoy the breathtaking views


Golden Statue of Buddhist Female God at Buddha Dordenma Temple in Paro, Bhutan.
Photo by Prateek Katyal
There’s no doubt about it: Paro, Bhutan is a truly special place. Whether you’re a nature lover, a culture enthusiast, or just someone looking to unwind and recharge, Paro has something for everyone. So why wait? Start planning your trip to this amazing destination today! And remember, as the Bhutanese say: “Gaden Phepsum Tshangla” (Happiness is a place).

Have you thought about staying in Paro for a little longer and working remotely? Here is another blog post about becoming a Digital Nomad in Paro

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