The 14 BEST things to do in Punakha, Bhutan


Welcome to The Journey Seeker! Find out all about best things to do in Punakha, Bhutan!

Welcome to Punakha, Bhutan! Nestled in the Himalayan mountains, this charming town is full of beauty, culture, and a whole lot of absurdity. From its vibrant festivals to its breathtaking landscapes, Punakha has something for everyone. But don’t just take our word for it – come see for yourself and discover the 14 best things to do in Punakha. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.

Atmosphere / Vibes

Buddha Statue Under Cloudy Sky
Photo by Setu Chhaya
The atmosphere in Punakha is hard to describe. On one hand, it’s peaceful and serene, with lush green forests and clear blue skies. On the other hand, it’s a wild and wacky place, with traditional Bhutanese festivals that are equal parts bizarre and beautiful. No matter what, you can always count on the locals to be friendly and welcoming.

Weather throughout the year

Man in Red Robe Sitting beside Green Metal Fence in Punakha, Bhutan.
Photo by Minh Ngo
The weather in Punakha is pretty much perfect all year round. In the summer, it’s warm and sunny, with temperatures hovering around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In the winter, it’s cool and crisp, with temperatures in the 50s and 60s. Either way, it’s always a good time to visit Punakha.

Why Punakha, Bhutan is the best place to be

High Angle Shot of an Airport
Photo by Pema Gyamtsho
There are so many reasons why Punakha is the best place to be. For one, it’s home to some of the most stunning natural beauty in the world. The forests, mountains, and rivers are all breathtakingly gorgeous, and there’s always something new to discover. Plus, the culture and traditions here are unlike anything you’ll find anywhere else. From the colorful festivals to the delicious food, Punakha is a truly unique place.

Cost of Travel

Golden Statue of Buddhist Female God at Buddha Dordenma Temple
Photo by Prateek Katyal
While Bhutan is not the cheapest destination in the world, it’s definitely worth the cost. Flights to Bhutan’s capital, Thimphu, start at around $500 round trip, and once you’re there, the cost of living is relatively low. You can expect to spend around $30 per day on food and accommodations, depending on your style of travel.

Top 14 best things to do in Punakha, Bhutan

Free stock photo of adult, bhutan, boy in Punakha, Bhutan.
Photo by Anil Sharma
  1. Visit the Punakha Dzong, a beautiful fortress that sits at the confluence of two rivers. It’s a great place to learn about Bhutan’s history and culture, and the views from the top are absolutely stunning.
  2. Go rafting on the Mo Chu river. This is a great way to take in the natural beauty of Punakha, and you’ll get to see some amazing wildlife along the way.
  3. Attend a traditional Bhutanese festival. These festivals are full of colorful costumes, music, and dancing, and they’re a great way to immerse yourself in Bhutanese culture.
  4. Hike to the Chimi Lhakhang, a temple dedicated to the famous Bhutanese saint, Drukpa Kunley. The hike is beautiful, and the temple is a great place to learn about Bhutanese Buddhism.
  5. Go birdwatching in the forests around Punakha. Bhutan is home to a huge variety of birds, and you’ll be able to see some truly amazing species if you keep your eyes peeled.
  6. Try your hand at archery, Bhutan’s national place to spend a peaceful afternoon.
  7. place to spend a peaceful afternoon.
  8. Go mountain biking through the hills of Punakha. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there are trails for all levels of difficulty.
  9. Take a cooking class and learn how to make traditional Bhutanese dishes. From momos to ema datshi, there’s so much delicious food to try in Bhutan.
  10. Go on a cultural tour and learn more about Bhutanese history and traditions. There are many local guides who can take you to hidden temples, monasteries, and other cultural sites.
  11. Go on a treetop walk through the forests of Punakha. This is a great way to get a bird’s eye view of the stunning landscape and spot some amazing wildlife.
  12. Take a day trip to the capital city of Thimphu. There’s so much to see and do in Bhutan’s capital, from visiting the famous Buddha Dordenma statue to shopping at the bustling weekend market.


Brown and White Concrete Building
Photo by Rabea Brok
Punakha, Bhutan is a truly unique and amazing place, and there are so many things to do and see. From its stunning natural beauty to its vibrant culture and traditions, there’s something for everyone in this charming town. So why wait? Start planning your trip to Punakha today and discover all that this amazing place has to offer.

Have you thought about staying in Punakha for a little longer and working remotely? Here is another blog post about becoming a Digital Nomad in Punakha

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